1·The box and instruction sheet say this kit has 22 pieces, but there are really quite a few more.
2·ATTENTION INSTALLER: After installation, please leave this Instruction Sheet for occupant's information.
3·With no chef on board I had to consider at every step whether the crew could follow the recipe instruction sheet.
4·The film will be tested after it was totally dried under the drying condition mentioned in the product instruction sheet.
5·Before reversing an HPLC column, it is best to consult the column instruction sheet or check with the column manufacturer to see if the column can be reversed.
6·Like a cascading style sheet, this type of processing instruction is optional, even for a transformation tool.
7·The second line of the XML document is a processing instruction containing the URL of the XSLT style sheet that is to be used on it.
8·A class for each style sheet instruction type that contains the logic for that instruction.
9·The processing instruction associates a style sheet (either XSL or CSS) with XML documents. For example.
10·If there is more than one xml-stylesheet instruction, alternate indicates which are replacements for the principal style sheet.
如果有多个xml - stylesheet指令,则alternate表明哪一个替代主样式表。